- 2019
- A Maze of Death
- A Scanner Darkly
- A Scanner Darkly (film)
- Adjustment Team
- Autofac
- Autofac/Read it
- Beyond the Door
- Blade Runner
- Blade Runner 2049
- Clans of the Alphane Moon
- Confessions d'un Barjo
- Confessions of a Crap Artist
- Corporate People
- Counter-Clock World
- David Webb Peoples
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- Douglas Quail
- Dr. Bloodmoney
- Dr. Futurity
- Eye in the Sky
- Galactic Pot-Healer
- Genux-B
- Gloria Knudson
- Harrison Ford
- Holy Quarrel
- Holy Quarrel/Read it
- Hovercar
- Human Is
- Impostor
- Impostor (film)
- Johnny Silverhand
- K. W. Jeter
- Keanu Reeves
- King of the Elves (film)
- Kurt Russell
- Lies, Inc./The Unteleported Man
- Martian Time-Slip
- Minority Report
- Minority Report (TV series)
- News
- Next
- Nexus-6
- Night City Police Department
- Now Wait For Last Year
- PKD-pedia
- PKD short stories
- Paycheck
- Paycheck (film)
- Philip K. Dick
- Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams
- Radio Free Albemuth
- Radio Free Albemuth (film)
- Retreat Syndrome
- Rick Deckard
- Robert Downey Jr
- Rosen Association
- Rutger Hauer
- Screamers
- Screamers: The Hunting
- Second Variety
- Solar Lottery
- Soldier (1998)
- The Adjustment Bureau
- The Cosmic Puppets
- The Crack in Space
- The Game-Players of Titan
- The Ganymede Takeover
- The Golden Man
- The Gun
- The Gun/About
- The Gun/Read it
- The King of the Elves
- The Man In The High Castle
- The Man Who Japed
- The Man in the High Castle
- The Man in the High Castle (TV series)
- The Minority Report
- The Penultimate Truth
- The Simulacra
- The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
- The World Jones Made
- The Zap Gun
- Time Out of Joint
- Total Recall
- Total Recall (1990)
- Total Recall (2012)
- Total Recall 2070
- Ubik
- Vulcan's Hammer
- We Can Remember It for You Wholesale
- We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (collection)
- What the Dead Men Say
- Will we ever… understand why music makes us feel good